
Introduktion zur Universität der Zukunft


Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the
University of the Future



Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music


The Ear as a Medical Instrument

The Special Status of the Ear in the Organism

Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier

Music and Brain

The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine

The Future of Pharmaceutics

The American Institute of Stress

World Health Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress - The Epidemic of Modern Society

The Unborn Child

Baby Care Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

The Social-Medical Significance of Medical Resonance Therapy Music

Headache Migraine

Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

How does the Medical Resonance Therapy Music function


  The effects of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® on the unborn child                          Page 1 2 3
Questions from congress participants and answers from
Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko following her presentation
Question: Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is not known in Australia – at least I have never heard of it – therefore I would be interested to know: are there patients who do not like this medical music, and how do I then go about treating with this music?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: In our experience the percentage of the women who are averse to the music is very small, as people find Medical Resonance Therapy Music® both harmonic and harmonizing. However, if a woman does not like the music at all, and so did not want to be treated with it, then we did, of course, refrain from doing so.

Question: Using the music to treat the foetus – as your presentation shows – is ex­tremely interesting. But how does one make a selection from the mass of different types of music and compositions? How did you come to choose Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for your studies, or did you also carry out studies using other music?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Several years ago, Prof. Reznikov from the Academy of Sciences in the Ukraine carried out studies with music from Mozart and with Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, in which Medical Resonance Therapy Music® proved medi­cally far superior. This is one reason why we chose this music.

Another reason is: Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is the only music known to us which follows the natural scientific concept of the great Greek physician, musicologist, mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras.

For over 30 years, the developer of Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, the classical composer and musicologist Peter Hübner, has been researching into the microcosm of music, the harmonic orders of which, according both to Pythagoras and to the findings of modern chronomedicine, also govern the human organism. Medical Resonance Therapy Music® reflects this natural harmonic order and so follows the musical-medical concept of Pythagoras, thus in it we possess a scientifically accurate link to the music-medicine of antiquity.

A third reason for us is the possibility of scientific communication with the composer and his Micro Music Laboratories, and this communication has proven very important in our research. As a musicologist, Mr. Huebner is able to assimilate our scientific results and our medical stimuli into his continuing musicological developments. This is an invaluable opportunity for us.

Question: You said that you were able to determine that the child in the womb becomes active and moves within the first 4-5 minutes of the musical treatment, but then becomes quiet and calms down. My question is: might it not be the case that any vibro-acoustic stimulation will first make the child active, and then after 4-5 minutes the child will become used to it and will calm down?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: We did not apply any vibro-acoustic stimulation, e.g. onto the mother's surface of the stomach, as was and is carried out in other experiments in other countries. We treat the pregnant mother and, via her, the child.
Treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is like this: at certain times the mother listens with headphones to certain musical preparations for a certain length of time.
The effects on the child come from the mother having listened to the music. As such, a change in the condition of the child can only come about through a change in the physiological interaction between mother and child.

Question: Have you gathered any experiences as to whether treatment with this music influences the expectant mother’s attitude towards her pregnancy?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Yes, definitely – the emotional bond between the expectant mother and her child becomes deeper and more positive. This has, e.g. a positive effect on the question faced by many expectant women, whether they wish to keep the child or terminate the pregnancy. Many expectant women who had already decided on abortion and whom we then treated with the music in preparation for the termination procedure, decided differently after several musical treatment sessions, and advised us that they now wished to keep their child. This is, for us, one of the most pleasant positive ‘side-effects’ of Medical Resonance Therapy Music®.

Question: Do you always use the music when there are signs of the pregnancy being at risk? If so, what then happens in practice?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: If we identify risks to the pregnancy, we also use Medical Resonance Therapy Music® treatment as a matter of routine. In many cases this enables us to avoid using any medication at all or to reduce the amount of medication necessary.

In this way we protect the foetus from any undesirable medicinal effects on its development – and as a positive side effect, if you like – we also save a great deal of money.

As far as your question about what happens in practice is concerned, we have two possibilities: if the expectant mother has got a CD-player and headphones, then she will receive the musical preparations on CD and she will listen to them regularly at home. If she has not got such a device, then we have her come into the hospital regularly to listen to the music in a room specifically equipped for the purpose.

RRR 934 Pregnancy and Birth

If you like to look at the
complete program,
or if you like to listen to the
Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please klick on the CD-Cover above.

As well as this, word about successful treat­ment with Medical Resonance Therapy Mu­sic has since got around to many of our country’s gynecologists. This means that many expectant mothers are listening to it, without ever having come into contact with our clinic.

Question: Should I wish to use this music in my clinic, how difficult is it to do and how do I find out how to use it correctly?

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko: Treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is not difficult, but there are certain things one should know. The scientific information ser­vice of the publishing house AAR Edition runs information events, where you can obtain all the information necessary to enable you to use the method correctly.
